We are very excited to be part of the FENS Forum 2020. You can find us at many different events:

Magdalena Solyga is presenting her data at the poster 600: “Auditory offset responses: from mechanisms to behavioral relevance”

Patricia Valerio is presenting her data at the poster 605: “A late critical period for complex sounds”

Gioia de Franceschi is presenting her data at the poster 610: “Task-engagement modulation along the auditory pathway”

Finally, I will be chairing the symposium S44 on “Neuronal circuit dissection in the central auditory system” with talks by Andrew King, Andrea Hasenstaub, Brice Bathellier and myself.

We hope you’ll enjoy our science, and please do reach out in case you want to discuss it further.


I am also positively surprised with the virtual format of the Forum. Although the social interactions are greatly diminished, it offers other advantages that a normal forum does not offer, like the possibility to listen to 2 talks scheduled at the same time, to listen several times to your favorite talks or to pause whenever you have to think deeper about one result the speaker just presented!