Sequential maturation of stimulus-specific adaptation in the mouse lemniscla auditory system

Patricia Valerio1, Julien Rechenmann, Suyash Joshi, Gioia de Franceschi, Tania R Barkat1, 2

1Department of Biomedicine, Basel University, Basel, Switzerland
2Lead contact

Stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA), the reduction of neural activity to a common stimulus that does not generalize to other, rare stimuli, is an essential property of our brain. Although well characterized in adults, it is still unknown how it develops during adolescence and what neuronal circuits are involved. Using in vivo electrophysiology and optogenetics in the lemniscal pathway of the mouse auditory system, we observed SSA to be stable from postnatal day 20 (P20) in the inferior colliculus, to develop until P30 in the auditory thalamus (MGV) and even later in the primary auditory cortex (A1). We found this maturation process to be experience-dependent in A1 but not in MGV, and to be related to alterations in deep but not input layers of A1. We also identified corticothalamic projections to be implicated in MGV SSA development. Together, our results reveal different circuits underlying the sequential SSA maturation and provide a unique perspective to understand predictive coding and surprise across sensory systems.


Science Advances, January 2024

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